May 17, 2010

Happy Homemaker Monday

Posted in Faith, Family, Fun, Homemaking at 11:20 am by Stacy


The weather in my neck of the woods:
Overcast, high is supposed to be 60 degrees with an 80 % chance of rain. It’s a whole lot nicer than snow that we had last week on Monday.

Things that make me happy:
Listening to my children laugh and play together.

Book I’m reading: I am reading Angie Smith’s “I will Carry You”.  As someone who has suffered a miscarriage at 12 weeks and knowing the pain that we experienced then, I can’t imagine what Angie went though.  What a testimony to God’s faithfulness.

What I’m enjoying on TV: The season finale’s of our favorite shows.  Lost, NCIS and NCIS – LA.

On the menu for dinner: We are taking dinner to some friends since they had a baby last week.  Grilled chicken, Macaroni Salad, Baked Beans, homemade dinner rolls and Lentil cookies.

On my To Do List: Bethel Boy’s Laundry.  He was complaining about not having anything to wear and low and behold, he didn’t because all his clothes were on his floor.  URRGHHHH

New Recipe I tried or want to try soon:
I don’t really have one.

In the craft basket: I would like to make a baby blanket today.

Looking forward to this week: Thursday!   We have another three day weekend.

Tips and Tricks: Sort things as they go out of the house in either “give away/garage sale”, “save” or “trash” before they end up in the garage.  This way you won’t have to do it later when you want to have a garage sale and you won’t have trash mixed in and what you want to save will be put away.  I’m so not organized.

My favorite blog post this week: The post at (In)courage really spoke to me.  It is an issue I struggle with in my marriage.

Blog Hopping (a new discovered blog you would like to share with the readers): I haven’t really been hopping lately  🙂

No words needed (favorite photo or picture, yours or others you want to share): Bethel Dog.

Lesson learned the past few days:
Learning takes place everywhere
Align Center

On my mind: Keeping my emotions under control.  I  have been having bad PMS and this week is the week.  Hopefully some natural things that I’m doing and being aware will help me.

Devotionals, Scripture Reading, Key Verses: Kind of piggy backs off of the last answer.  This verse is going to be forefront in my mind.   “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength”  Philippians 4:13

Head on over to Sandra’s for more “Happy Homemaker Monday” posts.