February 8, 2011

How do you do it all?

Posted in Family, Homechooling, Homemaking at 7:39 am by Stacy

We are entering a busy season of life and some days I just feel overwhelmed, especially when I look at my “to do” list.

At the first of the year we took a different direction homeschooling.  I signed up with a Charter School.   After a month, this so far has been a wonderful decision for our family.   The kids are blooming.   Bethel Boy actually got exciting about a writing class!  YES A WRITING CLASS!  I can hardly believe it myself!   We have a wonderfully supportive teacher.  She encourages me, which I desperately needed, and she has so many wonderful ideas and tips to give us.    In this last month Bethel Boy has taken a biology dissecting class where he has gotten to check out the insides of a worm, crayfish, fish and frog.   It has been the hands on learning that he has craved and that I just didn’t know how to give to him.   Bethel Girl is started reading!  She picked up a book last night and read quite a bit of it.   AMAZING!!!

But one thing I’ve been struggling with is balancing it all.   I have a part time job that requires 5 hours a week, AWANA secretary duties which amounts to about 2 hours outside of club work (and this past week even more!), basketball 3 nights a week, AWANA one night, schooling, dance, classes in town, etc.  I’m finding it really hard to keep my house clean, laundry done and folded and dishes caught up.   On top of all this Bethel Daddy has picked up some extra hours at work, so things that he used to do (helping with the house, laundry and dishes) I feel like I need to do it all because he’s working so hard for our family.

So as I look at a floor that needs desperately to be swept and a dryer full of clothes that need to be folded, two weeks of work that needs to be dealt with (I was sick last week) and kids that are asking for breakfast, I guess I need to shut down the computer and just do things one thing at a time.   It’s the only way it will all get done.

Happy Homemaker Monday – February 7th.

Posted in Faith, Family, Homemaking at 7:14 am by Stacy


The weather in my neck of the woods: Unseasonable warm.   Mid 50’s and very sunny.   We need some snow and rain!

Things that make me happy: Giving my husband a hug as he comes home from a long day at work.  Listening to my childrens laughter.

Book I’m reading:I have fallen in love with Susan Elizabeth Phillips.   Her books are just delightful.

What’s on my TV today: Nothing, we turned off cable about a month ago and the kids will watch things on netflix streaming, and usually Bethel Daddy and I will plug in our laptop to the tv and watch NCIS and NCIS: LA, but other than that we aren’t doing a bunch of tv.

On the menu for dinner: Chicken Tender Parmesan & Penne, Caesar Salad, & Garlic Bread

On my To Do List: Clean house!  YUCK!, We need to school and I need to work a few hours today.

New Recipe I tried or want to try soon: Nothing really, I haven’t really been looking at new things, just trying to keep things that I know since we are really busy.

In the craft basket: I have been working on an afghan that I’m crocheting, I have a dress that I need to do some alterations on a dress for a friend who is in a local musical production.

Looking forward to this week: I really enjoy our Wednesdays, even though we are gone from the house from 9:00 until about 2:30, the kids really enjoy their classes that day and I enjoy the two hours that I have that are “free” – no kids and I can just relax and either work or read.

Tips and Tricks: I don’t really have any.

My favorite blog post this week: I haven’t really been blog reading lately.  I have over 400 post in my blog reader – I just need to empty it out and start over again.

Blog Hopping (a new discovered blog you would like to share with the readers): See above answer  😉

No words needed (favorite photo or picture, yours or others you want to share):

Lesson learned the past few days: Take the time to go away with your husband, it will make you a better wife, mother and most of all together a better couple.

On my mind: The need to fold lots and lots of laundry, the need to school and work with the kids on cleaning their room.

Devotionals, Scripture Reading, Key Verses: I am working on memorizing Colossians this year.  I’ve made it to verse 4.   Here is what I’ve memorized so far:

Colossians 1:1-4

Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, and Timothy our brother, To Gods holy people in Colossae, the faithful brothers and sisters in Christ: Grace and peace to you from God our Father.  Thanksgiving and Prayer We always thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, when we pray for you, because we have heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of the love you have for all Gods people-


Head on over to Sandra’s and see more HHM post!

January 2, 2011

On the first day of vacation, my true love gave to me…..

Posted in Faith, Family at 8:47 pm by Stacy

While this wasn’t our first day of vacation, it was actually the 2nd day, but we had a wonderful time heading to the sled hill.   Several families came from our church and it was a wonderful day at the local sled hill.  Here are the highlights.

Bethel Girls Rosy Cheeks

Bethel Girl head first

Bethel Boy saying "I'm ok!"

Bethel Daddy Head First

Our whole wonderful sledding group

Tomorrow I will share pictures of the best Christmas present ever!

January 1, 2011

Happy New Year 2011

Posted in Faith, Family at 9:54 pm by Stacy

To say that 2010 has flown by would be an understatement.  I’m finding that the older my children get the busier I become keeping up with their activities.   2011 starts off with a new direction with school, dance, piano, AWANA and basketball.

Trying to find time for the things I enjoy just don’t always seem to fit into the busy schedule.   I know it’s just a stage of life that we are in and in too short of time it will be all over and I will have the all the time in the world to sew, clean, read and keep up with the laundry.

But for now, 2011, I will enjoy mornings with my children as we school (even though it’s not always enjoyable and there is lots of whining from me), I will enjoy our 10th year of marriage and focus on loving my husband even more, I will do laundry when I have time and hope that our best clothes are washed for when we go into town, I will cheer my kids on at dance, sports and piano and most of all I will try to live this year making this my prayer: “O, for grace to trust Him more.”

October 8, 2010

Friday Fill Ins!

Posted in Family, Fun at 9:41 pm by Stacy


So…here we go!

1. My favorite month is December because I love celebrating Christmas with my family.

2. Laughing with a friend feels like a fresh breeze.

3. I love to sniff my children’s hair after they have washed it (with soap!).

4. A cup of coffee and a warm scone is what I like to have as a treat for breakfast.

5. The hobby I enjoy most is sewing.

6. The mess that packing makes, oh my!

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to handing out with Bethel Daddy while he watches a movie, tomorrow my plans include cleaning the buffet off and packing the desk up in order to get rid of it and Sunday, I want to relax with my family and enjoy celebrating a birthday of a special boy!

Head over to Friday Fill-Ins to see what others have to say.

October 6, 2010

Finding a grove

Posted in Family, Homechooling at 1:04 pm by Stacy

I feel like we are *finally* finding our grove with schooling.

Workboxes are working well for us.  We just got BethelGirl set up with them and for her I’m using them loosely, mostly so she feels like she is doing school like brother.  They are working well for BethelBoy and I’m finding I don’t get asked the question “Are we done yet?” 30 times a day.

Language Arts is going as well as it can for my reluctant writer, Bethel Boy.  I’m really liking CQLA.   We are starting our 2nd week of the second session and while I’m still not doing everything that is available in each weeks lesson, I do know that Bethel Boy is learning and he’s not fighting me as much about Language Arts.

We are enjoying science, Apologia really is one of the best curriculum available and I’m so glad we are using it.   You know it’s great when you non-school loving son is talking to his public school cousin and telling the cousin how he’s learning Astronomy and how it doesn’t have “Anything to do with Star Wars”.

As always we are in love with Sonlight.   We are doing Core 1 and Bethel Boy is using Reader 2 Intermediate.  We have added Story of the World to our History and it is a great fit, the kids love the map work and coloring pages that come along with it.

Horizon Math is still working well for us and I can’t wait until Bethel Boy is able to use Teaching Textbooks.  Hopefully next year!

October 4, 2010

Happy Homemaker Monday! October 4th

Posted in Family, Homechooling, Homemaking at 4:22 pm by Stacy


The weather in my neck of the woods: After having record highs last week in the high 80’s and low 90’s it’s cold and rainy with thunder storms.   Delightfully fall weather.

Things that make me happy: Getting in and finishing school early in the day instead of going into the afternoon.

Book I’m reading: I have three books going at the moment.   A light Christian fiction book, The Busy Homeschool Mom’s Guide to Romance,  and I will Carry You

What’s on my TV today: I almost hate to admit this, but I watched Sister Wives on TLC and I’m just fascinated by it.

On the menu for dinner: I have no idea, we are going over to some friends for dinner.

On my To Do List: Clean my desk, Set up a Home Management Binder and back up the book cases.

New Recipe I tried or want to try soon: I’m going to make Taco Soup tomorrow night.

In the craft basket: I’m going to make my mom some Halloween dish towels for her birthday mid month.

Looking forward to this week: Monday and Tuesday.  They are the busiest days of our week and I’m glad when AWANA is over and then we are mostly home the rest of the week.   There is lots to do around here since we are moving at the end of the month.

Tips and Tricks:
Not so much a tip, but more of a reminder to me.  The earlier I get up and the less time I spend on the computer makes for a smooth running morning and a quicker school day.

My favorite blog post this week: I don’t really have anything.

Blog Hopping (a new discovered blog you would like to share with the readers):
Nothing new this week.

No words needed (favorite photo or picture, yours or others you want to share):

Lesson learned the past few days: It’s ok to say “no” to good things.

On my mind: Packing and our move.  Making sure we get everything done.

Devotionals, Scripture Reading, Key Verses: I’m trying to memorize my daughter’s verses for AWANA.  But I’m also trying to memorize Philippians 4:6-7  “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God which surpasses all understanding, will guard your heart and minds through Christ Jesus.

Head on over to Sandra’s and see other HHM post.

September 6, 2010

Happy Homemaker Monday – September 6

Posted in Faith, Family, Fun, Homemaking at 9:50 pm by Stacy


The weather in my neck of the woods: Fall is in the air!  Tomorrow will be in the mid 70’s and then rain and cool temps Wednesday and Thursday and then a warm up for the weekend.

Things that make me happy: Being able to stay at home and school my kids.  I just love the time we spend together.

Book I’m reading:
A Lady of Hidden Intent by Tracie Peterson

What I’m enjoying on TV: Nothing!  Since we shut off the dish it’s kind of been nice.

On the menu for dinner: My husband grilled steaks that were wonderful!

On my To Do List: Laundry,  and prep for school

New Recipe I tried or want to try soon: Don’t really have one.

In the craft basket: Nothing, I just don’t have time to sew.

Looking forward to this week: AWANA starting!

Tips and Tricks: Plastic storage containers make packing for camping nice and easy.

My favorite blog post this week: Nothing, we were busy living life this past week and I really didn’t get to read very many other blogs.

No words needed (favorite photo or picture, yours or others you want to share): I’m having issues posting a picture, maybe later.

Lesson learned the past few days: Try things again, just because you had a bad experience once doesn’t mean that the people are the same or that you are the same.  You might just have fun!

On my mind: If we will get the house that we want.

Devotionals, Scripture Reading, Key Verses:

The verses that I need to memorize for AWANA – by tomorrow.
1Cor 15:3-4  – For what I received onto you as of first importance:  that Christe died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that He was burried and that He was raised on the third day according to the scriptures.
Romans 3:23 – For all have sinned and follen short of the glory of God.
Romans 6:23 – For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord
Act 16:31 – They replied, “Believe in the Lord and you will be saved – you and your household.”
John 3:15 – For God so loved the world that he have His only begotten son that whoever shall believe in him, shall not parish, but have everlasting life.
Romans 5:8 – But God demonstrates His own love for us in this:  While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
Head on over to Sandra’s to find more Happy Homemaker Monday post.

August 19, 2010

Random Dozen

Posted in Family, Fun at 9:35 pm by Stacy

I’m so glad that Linda is back to doing the Random Dozen.  It’s just a fun meme to do.
1. What is your favorite fair/carnival food?  I have two, an Indian taco and Hawaiian shaved ice.

2. Are you holding onto something you need to let go of?  Such a deep question.  I might need to pray through this and come back and re-answer it.

3. What is your favorite gift to receive?  Money – then I can buy whatever I want.

4. When was the last time you tried something new?  Today I took a 20 pound box of peaches and pealed them all, cut them up and froze them.   Tomorrow I’m going to make refrigerator pickles – both things that are new for me to take the time and prepare for the winter.

5. What is your favorite and least favorite book genre?  I just love me some Christian Romance books.   My least favorite would be Sci-fy or Mysteries.

6.Silver or Gold?  Yellow gold.

7. What makes you sigh?  My son and his Star Wars obsession.   I’m trying to be better so at night right now I’m reading him a Star Wars book.

8. If you didn’t know how old you are, how old would you claim you are?  Early to mid 30’s.

9. Would you break a law to save a loved one? To protect a loved one?  To save a loved one – you betcha.  To protect – probably not, because would that be enabling them instead of protecting them?  Sometimes we have to use a little tough love and let consequences happen.
10. If you had to teach something, what would it be?  Sewing

11. You’re having lunch with 3 people whom you respect and admire. They begin to criticize a close friend of yours, not knowing she is your friend. What do you do?  Probably not say very much and loose respect and admiration for those 3 people.  I would probably point out that we don’t always know all the sides to the story.
12. Which of the 5 Love Languages is your prominent means of experiencing love?  Words of Affirmation with Quality Time a close second.

Gearing Up Part Two

Posted in Family, Homechooling, Homemaking at 9:09 pm by Stacy

As excited as I was in July to start school I’m feeling the exact opposite to have our summer come to an end.   The last few weeks have been a wonderful time of just relaxing.  We just finished a trip to Oregon where we swam 3 or 4 times a day, did a little shopping (yeah!  no sales tax!) and visited with family.   What a perfect ending to our summer.

So now as I look at spending next week having a teacher prep week, to get ready for getting back on schedule starting August 30th, I’m trying to figure out what I want our day/week to look like.   Leave it up to our own devises and we wouldn’t do much at all.   All three of us are pretty lazy beings.

As I was taking a shower today I started to think of what I want our day to look like.  How I want it to flow.  Hopefully somewhere between my ideal day and my current lazy day we will find a balance.

So here is what my ideal day will look like:

Wake up by 5:00 – have coffee, quiet time and computer time by 6:00

6:00- get ready for the day, get dressed, start a load of laundry if needed.

7:00 – get kids moving toward getting dressed and eating breakfast.

7:30 – kids make beds and get ready for school

8:00 – 11:00 School starts – Bible, Calendar time, Handwriting, Language Arts, snack break Math free time

11 – 12 lunch and break

12 – 2:30  – quiet reading time, history and science, reading.

2:30 – Bethel Daddy gets home – prep dinner, play and do all those little things that didn’t get done yet.

While times may not be exact, but hopefully the flow will be close to what I want.   I’m going to try not to have the tv on in the morning.  I think that will help me get off the computer and the kids to get started on the day a little quicker.

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