May 4, 2010

Random Dozen, May 5th

Posted in Faith, Family, Fun, Homechooling at 9:48 pm by Stacy

1. What was the last thing about which you procrastinated?  Cleaning my desk.   Two months ago my desk top computer died.   I now have a laptop and I need to organize my desk to work with my laptop and for homeschooling and such.

2. How long does it take you to fall asleep, and do you sleep through the night?  I usually read for about 15 to 20 minutes until I fall asleep, I usually wake up around 12:00, take off my glasses, put the book on the nightstand and turn off my light.  I then sleep until 5:20 when my alarm goes off.   Somewhere around 4:45 and 5:00 Bethel Daddy comes in and prays with me before he leaves for the gym.  I know it’s happening but I don’t wake up fully for it.

3. Which decade would you choose to exemplify your favorite fashion styles?  I have no idea.

4. What is your personal best dish to feed a crowd?  Lasagna – I actually just made it for our small group tonight to celebrate two couples in our group that became members of our church.

5. Are you an impulse shopper? What was the last thing you bought on impulse?  Yes, very much so.   I actually like it when I don’t have money to spend because then I don’t impulse buy.  The last impulse buy was probably a book from Walmart.

6. What is one wish you have for your own funeral?  That there is much laughter and happy memories.

7. If it’s true that joy is in found in the simple things in life, what does your joy look like today?  Sitting on the floor, with my dog right beside me while our small group is singing worship songs.

8. What is your favorite type of bread?  A good sourdough.

9. What trait do you fear developing the most? (Laziness, greediness, grumpiness, etc.)  Hmmm….hard question, I might need to sleep on this and answer it later.

10. What trait would you like most to develop?  Meekness.  It’s something that I just don’t have.

11. Which room in your house best reflects your personality? Why?  Probably my living room.  It’s where everything happens and is where we spend most of our time.  The kids toys are in here, the dog’s bed is here, the piano and family pictures, homeschooling books.  Good ol’ comforts of our lives.

12. How do you maintain balance in your life regarding, work, family, church, other organizations and activities, and blogging?  Right now I don’t have good balance.  So I’m looking forward to hearing how others do it.
Head on over to 2nd cup of coffee for more Random Dozens!


  1. Deb said,

    Good morning~ I like your answers, especially #7 Have a blessed day!

  2. Lea Culp said,

    Enjoyed stopping by your blog today. Your answers were great! It’s always such fun to read everyone’s answers on Random Wednesday. Blessings to you this Mother’s Day week-end!

  3. shakira said,

    Great fun answers
    Glad you are sleeping well and enjoying life.
    Mine is here
    Nice to meet you.
    Happy Wednesday!
    Wishing you an advance HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY!

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